Well made jigs make all the difference. Michael Fortune designed taper jig. Brilliant! Love it.#woodworking #woodworkingskills #makermade #madeinpdx #woodshop #grasshopperww #jigsandfixtures
Creative and Custom Wood Work, Carlton OR
Well made jigs make all the difference. Michael Fortune designed taper jig. Brilliant! Love it.#woodworking #woodworkingskills #makermade #madeinpdx #woodshop #grasshopperww #jigsandfixtures
Antithesis of fair curves (on a bowl) cut in a single sweep. Router cabinet build for fabbing planar stuff. Love the #besseyclamps. #woodworking #workinprogress #grasshopperww #woodshop #makersgonnamake
Spalted crotch feathers. Yes. It’s a thing. maple crotch that has spalted. It will yield a pretty feather pattern in the bottom of a bowl. Coming soon. #spaltedwood #spaltedmaple #woodturning #grasshopperww #woodworking #woodworker #workinprogress #makermade #madeinpdx
Sometimes you just have to make bowl blanks! #woodbowl #woodturning #greenwood #woodworking #workinprogress #madeinpdx #makermade #bowlblanks
Completed #greenwood turning in #myrtlewood. Now to see how it warps as it dries! #grasshopperww #makermade #woodbowl #woodworking #woodturning #madeinpdx